Equine Positional Release Classes

11 Casuarina St


South Australia, 5481

Email: zcs@protonmail.com

Mobile: +61 477 945 006

The Art of Self Correction

Equine Positional Release classes are generally taught in a 2 x 2 day class format or a 4 Day Intensive Training format, as is the EPR Professional Practitioner Training Program.


1 and 2 Day EPR Introductory classes are available.


Refer to Schedule for class dates.

"I took my first class with Zarna in 2008 and continued to take EPR classes and completed my EPR Practitioner Certification. EPR classes I attended included her excellent instruction in non-force and pain free techniques to facilitate the release of pain and tension patterns, promote expanded range of motion, improve strength and balance, and numerous other benefits. Zarna’s classes are so much more than learning the EPR principles and techniques. She is an extremely gifted instructor and shares a wealth of equine knowledge in many areas such as horse anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, horse gestures and behaviour, horse handling, nutrition, and homeopathy. The result is that students learn an in-depth, holistic approach to horse health care through EPR."

Mary Ann Menetry

Owner Primo Motion Equine Bodywork

Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

EPR Practitioner Training Program 2022-23
EPR Pracitioner Training Program 2022..p
Adobe Acrobat Document 827.4 KB

Module I - EPR Foundations

Technique, Assessment and Response.

Movement, Suspension and Reflexive Response.

Equine Positional Release classes teach a holistic approach to work with the horse. EPR techniques incorporate non force and non-violence principles to achieve structural balance, optimal health and performance.


EPR techniques initiate self-awareness through stimulation of the proprioceptive system, engaging the self-corrective capacity of the body.


Learn gentle non force body movements, pain-free comfortable positional release techniques, resistant exercises and postural exercises.


Global techniques moving large areas of the body, coupled with specific joint releases are employed to address all major joints and related muscles in the body.


EPR techniques are used for direct joint mobilistation and joint stabilisation, indirect structural adjustment, soft tissue repair, pain management, postural balance and postural re-education.


2 x 2 day classes or a 4 Day Intensive - 32 hours:

Exploring Technique, Assessment and Response.

Introduction to Isometric Techniques.

Non Force Theory.

Non Force Approach, Contact and Positioning.

Exploration of Movement Patterns.

Introduction to Equine Anatomy and Physiology.


Cost: AU$750

 + 5% PayPal fee

Module II - EPR Foundations

Suspension and Fluidity in Movement.

Isometric and Isotonic Exercises.

EPR uses observation to inform the practitioner of the horse's gait patterns, movement patterns and gestures. Noticing the catalogue of responses the horse offers, enables us to work at the level or understanding of each horse. Tailoring the treatment to meet the specific needs of the horse is a primarily principle in a holistic approach to horse health care.


EPR techniques work by influencing the horse's nervous system. Neuromuscular reflexes are stimulated by proximity, touch, movement and body position. Gentle, non force positional release techniques move body structures to stimulate the proprioceptive reflexes and self corrective changes in muscles, joints, organs and other specialised body tissues.


The focus of this training is to:

  • Find where the body can respond.
  • Identify injuries and compensation patterns.
  • Learn to distinguish between an injury, (a destabilised area) and a compensatory area, (a stabilising pattern).
  • Learn to work with connective tissue.
  • Learn re-educational techniques to address chronic structural misalignment and compensatory patterns of movement.

2 x 2 day classes or a 4 Day Intensive - 32 hours:

Suspension and Fluidity in Movement.


Isometric and Isotonic Exercises.

Holistic Approach to Health Care.

Non Force Approach, Contact and Positioning.

Working with Posture.

Introduction to Equine Anatomy and Physiology.


Cost: AU$750

 + 5% PayPal fee

Module III - Intermediate and Practitioner Training

Fusion for Horse and Rider.

Applications of Anatomy and Physiology.

Equine Positional Release teaches a holistic therapeutic approach to work with horses and the horse and rider team.


EPR’s scope of practice encompasses a holistic non force approach to health care for horses and riders promoting cooperative, successful horse-human partnerships.  


Fusion for Horse and Rider investigate the interplay between horse and rider, the relationship of posture, balance and structural alignment of the horse, the rider and the horse-rider team under saddle.


Gentle non force techniques improve:

  • Movement patterns.
  • Range of comfortable movement.
  • Feel of the horse's movement and gaits.
  • Attitude, behaviour and learning of the horse and rider.
  • Rapport and feel between horse and rider.

Learn the functional applications of Equine Anatomy and Physiology.


2 x 2 day classes or a 4 Day Intensive - 32 hours:

Fusion for Horse and Rider.

Global and Local Positional Release Techniques.

Non Force Theory and Reflexes.

Human and Equine Anatomy and Physiology.

Applications of Equine Anatomy and Physiology.

Study Group.

Feedback and Evaluation Session.


Cost: approximately AU$800

 + 5% PayPal fee

Module IV - Intermediate and Practitioner Training

Strong Structures in Motion.

Essentials for Riders.

An innovative class integrating EPR non force horse-rider exercises with positional release techniques.


Essentials for Riders investigate the relationship of posture, balance and structural alignment of the rider to the horse-rider team.


In these classes we work with the horse and the rider individually.


Exercises engage natural balance, stimulate body awareness, self carriage and the rider's seat.


Gentle non force techniques improve:

  • Body awareness and balance.
  • Connected movement and posture.
  • Movement patterns throughout the body.
  • Range of comfortable movement, strength and mobility.
  • Attitude, behaviour and learning of both the horse and rider.
  • Sustainable movement.

2 x 2 day classes or a 4 Day Intensive - 32 hours:

Strong Structures and Motion.

Essentials for Riders.Global and Local Positional Release Techniques.Non Force Theory and Reflexes.

Human and Equine Anatomy and Physiology.


Cost: approximately AU$800

 + 5% PayPal fee

EPR Isometric Class Theory Session

EPR Anatomy Lab and Practical Sessions

To plan your EPR Training contact:

EPR Institute

11 Casuarina St


South Australia, 5481


Email: zcs@protonmail.com

Mobile: +61 477 945 006